FOR sagittarius


You will be experiencing challenges at work because of rivalry or you may be thinking of retirement.

Expect to experience some unusual or unexpected behavior even though this is not the norm for you. Limitations may be straining at the bit and you may very well rebel if you don't find an outlet for this energy.

Major transformations are beginning in your life and you will try to please yourself now rather than others. It has been noted that people leave their job and marriage under this transit and a dissatisfied home life can be the cause of this change.

Instability lies in business, domestic affairs and dealings with people and this will be a difficult time for taxes, inheritance, alimony and joint finances.

You are no longer regarded as a child and want the world to know it and changes in your life will come quickly and felt quite intensely. You will also be feeling much more independent as well.

This is a time for breaking away from family, ties, professional endeavors and groups of people. This transit occurs at the ages of 21 and 63, when you are forced to face a new role or position in life which should be embraced as growth.

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