FOR libra


Luck is sure to arrive in all areas of family life and business matters as well. You will share good times with your partners where there will be an abundance of emotional enjoyment. Sports and outdoor activities and pleasant contacts with others are very favorable now and people will enjoy your increased sense of humor.

This transit should find you feeling pretty good, so go out and work in the garden if you can and get a little closer to old mother earth. This is a good time to pay bills and balance the check book and caring for others in some way will be at the top of your list, especially people who may call on you for assistance. You are in an excellent frame of mind now, so enjoy it, you never know when someone is going to come along and foul it up!

Educational and group activities can take place at your home and people who come from a great distance from you can be a source of enjoyment, entertainment, educational or religious stimulation. Your mind may wander back to times that were very happy for you and find a greater understanding and compassion for those people less fortunate than yourself.

Personal contacts with others will be warm and sincere and you will see only the good in people while recognizing that everyone has a bad side. This transit increases faith in the universe and supports a greater devotion to ones higher self.

Prosperity will be found in finances, food related fields, business, farming, real estate and domestic products and services and your emotional responses will be filled with curiosity. One danger of this transit is laziness however and this is an excellent transit for any dealings with people.

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